
Dear Supporters,

After completing 'Save the children. The Path of Hope' project, in collaboration with the Charity 'Kharkiv with You' where we helped the kids from Kharkiv and its regions who had serious health problems to be transported to clinics and rehabilitation centres to Europe, as well as co-sponsoring the Winter 2023 Rehabilitation Camp for Children as well as the ‘Mine Safety in the language of children’! programme (please read below the detailed updates) GéNIA is currently working on organising a rehabilitation summer camp for Kharkiv kids. 

Designed specifically for children ages 7-12 years from Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, especially from the freed territories, this project is created in partnership with the charity 'Kharkiv with You'. In the past the project was also sponsored by the Ukrainian Railways, which we are hoping will help this time too to transport the kids again. 

The camp is called ‘For the light, which overcame the darkness’ and is planned to give ten days of rest for children, with adventures, fun and activities based on the stratum method. The Plast National Scout Organization of Ukraine’s educators, teachers of the Ukrainian Catholic University and Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, as well as child psychologists will be working with children.

The camp is located in the western part of Ukraine, in a picturesque location in Transcarpathia, where inspiring landscapes also have a psycho-therapeutic effect. We kindly ask you to help us give as many children as possible the opportunity to rest and receive adequate treatment.

We included below the picture of the winter camp which we sponsored, so you can see how beautiful the place is, and just how happy the kids look there.

Your help is invaluable! Thank you!

GéNIA and The Support Khariv Foundation Team

Children camp low qualty.jpg


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Introducing interventional neurology into the lives of Kharkiv civilians - saving 5 patients in April 2024

The recent surge in attacks on Kharkiv and its surrounding regions since the beginning of 2024 has escalated the need for urgent medical interventions. Successful surgeries, employing advanced techniques such as thrombolytic therapy and interventional neuroradiology, have become imperative to address various conditions including strokes and arterial injuries, resulting in improved patient outcomes with reduced disability and mortality rates by 70% and 40%, respectively.

However, due to insufficient state funding to procure essential equipment for these innovative procedures, medical professionals rely on the generosity of donors. Through our partnership with the Ukrainian Charity, 'Kharkiv with You', we are working towards introducing interventional neurology into Kharkiv's healthcare system and acquiring vital medical equipment.

 Earlier this winer we contributed to purchasing medical instruments enabling care for neck and head vessel injuries, facilitating groundbreaking operations at the Kharkiv medical institution for the first time in history.

 This month, thanks to your support, we have saved the lives of 5 patients.

The outcomes of these surgeries have instilled hope for full recovery in many other patients. Through the utilisation of thrombolytic therapy and interventional neuroradiology, disability and mortality rates have been reduced by 70% and 40% respectively, offering promising prospects for those in need. 

So now, we have launched a separate campaign - 'Introducing interventional neurology into the lives of Kharkiv civilians'

Your contributions are immensely valuable in sustaining these life-saving efforts. Thank you wholeheartedly!

Updated on Wed, April 24 2024, 9:38 PM

Sponsorship of the Mobile Schoo of Life - children education in Kharkiv Region

We're thrilled to announce that the Mobile School of Life team recently conducted a creative writing workshop for children in Khotimlya village, located in the Kharkiv Region. Your support made it possible for us to bring joy to these kids. A big thank you to Nova Ukraine for co-sponsoring this wonderful initiative!


Updated on Wed, April 24 2024, 1:22 PM

GéNIA and the ‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’ became patrons of the ‘First Competition For Students of the Kharkiv State Music Lyceum’

Dear supporters,

Happy New Year!

We would like to share our latest news and update on the work of our foundation with you.

In November 2023, the ‘First Competition For Students of the Kharkiv State Music Lyceum’, organised by the charitable foundation "ART UNITES THE WORLD", took place in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Thanks to sponsors and partners, which included GéNIA and the ‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’, the total prize pool amounted to UAH 200,000 (approximately £4,500).

Part of the funds were awarded to the winners, which will enable these young musicians to develop further, professionally, whilst the other part was used to provide psychological support to the Lyceum's students, by organising events, led by psychologists.

Students of various music specialties took part in the competition, which was judged by a jury from around the world, consisting of Lyceum alumni, who are now professional musicians, and have become well-known in the industry.

Updated on Tue, January 23 2024, 12:46 PM

GéNIA, our founder, was invited to be one of the jury members. Together with her eminent colleagues, she had the honor and responsibility of choosing the three best pianists from a large number of young talents. According to her, it was a difficult decision to choose the winners from such a diverse group of talents. ‘This experience inspired me, and gave me hope and faith in the bright musical future of Ukraine. Despite the horrific daily threat to these childrens’ lives, and the terrible reality they are surronded with, the level of skills of these contestants was incredibly high. It was heartwarming to see such a high standard and dedication of these young professionals, performing at an internetaional level, and ready to take on the world with their skills!’ says GéNIA.

So we thank you once again! Thanks to your support, our contribution to the total prize fund amounted to £1,000, which in Hryvnia terms is 45,000. Thanks to you and your donations, three young talented musicians have a chance to continue their life's work in the face of war:

Alina Lamziuk - V. Lebedev Prize (oboe) - 15000 UAH

Veniamin Andreev - Yevgeny Ivanov Prize (percussion) - 15000 UAH

Anna Hafych - Mykola Herasymchuk Prize (choir) - 15000 UAH

We would also like to thank GéNIA and the ‘ART UNITES THE WORLD’ Charitable Foundation for their incredible initiative organising such an event.

Our work continues. ‘ART UNITES THE WORLD’ asked us to contribute further to sponsor psychlogical rehabilitation for young musicians. If you could help on any level, we would be very grateful, as your help is invaluable.

Please remember that there are no small donations. Even the cost of a cup of coffee can save or change a child's life for the better.

Thank you for being with us.

‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’ Team


Updated on Tue, January 23 2024, 12:43 PM

Children Rehabilitation Camp in Zakarpattia, Ukraine 2023

Dear all,

I am very excited to share more details about the wonderful children's camp, which my charity, 'Support Kharkv Foundation' co-sponsored this summer. The camp was organised by the Ukrainian charity 'Kharkiv with You' together with 'Plast' in Kharkiv, a prominent volunteering organisation in Ukraine, and also co-sponsored by organisations Malteser Ukraine, Ukrzaliznytsa and the Department of Civil Protection of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

In the summer 2023, the rehabilitation camp for kids where they can receive psychological support and rehabilitation was launched.. The aim of the project was psychological support and adaptation of today's children, and the creation of a safe environment for meaningful understanding, and restoration of both themselves, and their surroundings.

The program involved experienced educators and a team of psychologists, who helped the children to discover themselves, make friends, enjoy different games and activities, and relax and unwind, away from the complex conditions of today. Most educators participated in a similar purpose-oriented camp in the winter, where they were able to provide psycho-social support and achieve good results in childrens’ rehabilitation. Summer camp was also no exception.

The camp was held in the picturesque location of Zakarpattia, one of the safest areas today. The sessions hosted a series of psychological sessions that focused on diagnosing anxiety levels, coping with anxiety, restoring balance, preventing and helping panic attacks. Visiting excursions to a deer sanctuary, waterfalls, the Counts of Schoenborn Palace, and a senior trip to Polonyna, all helped to see the places that are full of "power", helping to overcome the "emptiness" of today's challenges.

Updated on Sat, September 30 2023, 11:16 PM

Children had a varied program: workshops on making various souvenirs (bracelets, bags, amulets, horse toys, etc.), project building, history and ethnography, nature, survival and orientation (map), fishing, and much more. All 10 days of the camp led to an interesting and, for a modern youth theme: "expedition: travel in time". So each of the participants of the camp was able to meet the time traveler and help him restore the balance of space-time, together with the historical figures of the founders of the Plast and mythological creatures of the Transcarpathia. Among other entertainment were: talent night, board games, skills competitions, songs by the fire, hiking in the Carpathian mountains, a party, and even an impromptu wedding!

Certainly, 10 days are not enough for full support and rehabilitation, but it is an opportunity for today's youth to see the world again in bright positive colours, an opportunity to make friends, and feel new "strength" to move forward.

'I will answer the question "Did you achieve the goal?” from the smiles of the children, their satisfied feedback, and warm words of gratitude from their parents. It is these sincere childhood emotions, which cannot be faked, that inspire us to work even harder to make projects such as this possible. The youth are our future, the future of our Motherland, and they deserve safety, joy, comprehensive development, and happy moments, even despite the war.' writes Olena Rofe, the director of the charity 'Kharkiv with You'

I want to thank all of you who supported my cause for making this possible. By seeing these pictures, I hope that you can feel, as myself, that we are doing something meaningful and helping in a real way.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

With love,



Updated on Sat, September 30 2023, 11:09 PM

Huge thanks to students at Piano-Yoga® for collecting £1,350.00

Massive thanks to my students at Piano-Yoga® for performing in our biannual Piano-Yoga® concert, as well as to Andrea and Nick Lally - Kukrika, for hosting the event. 

With our incredible global audience, we were so delighted to be able bring some real help with our music. From the music of Bach, Debussy and Liszt, to Piazzolla and my own compositions, we managed to create a versatile programme.  

Special thanks to our lovely supporter, the wonderful Ukrainian singer Eugenia Omelchenko, for performing for us. 

Piano-Yoga® is a contemporary piano playing method, created by GéNIA, which combines the principles of yoga with classical piano teaching methods. GéNIA's Piano-Yoga® School runs online, and in the heart of London, at Steinway Hall. 

Amongst my students are busy professionals, professional musicians, and some wonderful kids. PIano-Yoga® can offer something to every age and level. To find out more, please visit our website and visit our YouTube Channel @pianoyoga education

Thank you to all this wonderful organisations and supporters who helped this summer! 

With gratitude and love,



Updated on Thu, August 31 2023, 1:17 AM


Raised £350.00

Great gratitude to British Friends of Ukraine and to Daniel Benisty for the initiative to hold a creative event in support of our fund. In addition, thanks to your friendly cozy concert and the funds collected from it, the children of Kharkiv will have the opportunity to get healthy and improve their health at the Summer Health Camp.

Sincere thanks also for for the initiative and participation in the event of Daniel Benisty and Eugenia Omelchenko.

Your help brings hope to the children of Ukraine.

With love,



Updated on Sun, August 27 2023, 6:11 PM


Raised £1,300.00 for Support Kharkiv Foundation

Many thanks to the Talentbanq for organising the concert in support of our charity. £1,300 were collected and donated to Support Kharkiv Foundation. Special thanks to Pablo Ettinger for hosting the event, performing so brilliantly with his band 'Ivory Pablo and the Blue Note', as well as inviting such an incredible audience. Your support is so much appreciated, and I loved performing alongside with you! 

Talentbanq is a music agency, representing independent artists who deliver exceptional LIVE performances.

If you'd like to book an artist for your event they are the agency to contact! 

Instagram @talentbanq

Many thanks to all of you. Your help saves lives.

With gratitude and love,



Updated on Fri, August 18 2023, 6:22 PM

Dear Supporters, 

There are not enough words to express my gratitude for all the help you gave us during the past few months! Together, we managed to raise £3,440.00 from our live music events organised by our supporters, and my Piano-Yoga® Students concert.   

All these funds will go towards sponsoring the Summer Rehabilitation Camp for children from Kharkiv and Kharkiv Region, which will take place between the 7th and 15th of August! 90 children will be taken into this camp, where they will be woking with psychologists, doing sports, playing games, and just resting. 

We are still raising funds for this event; as I write this, we do not have the full total needed, so in case some of you did not manage to help before, but are in position to do so now, we would be very grateful for you donation, which you can make HERE

Thank you so much, all of you! 

Please see the events below which helped us to raise the funds for this Summer Rehabilitation Camp! 

With much love,



Updated on Wed, August 9 2023, 1:25 PM

Dear Supporters,

Here is the update on the latest work of our foundation: the new programme 'Mine Safety in the language of children'!

It is a very important innovative project, founded by the Ukrainian charity 'Kharkiv with You.' Its goal is to introduce training and skills to the kids from 3 different age groups on how to walk and play safely outside, as many newly freed territories are still suffering from mines scattered all over the fields, parks and other places.

Your donation simply helped us save lives.

Your help is invaluable!

By purchasing the ticket to our concert, you will help the children of Kharkiv region further!

With gratitude and love,



Updated on Tue, August 8 2023, 7:13 PM

Dear Supporters,

I hope that you are all doing well. 

Here is the new update on our work this winter. 

Thank you so much to all of you for providing this unique and incredible opportunity to children from Kharkiv region by establishing the new programme ‘Mine Safety in the language of children’! 

It is a very important innovative project, founded by the Ukrainian charity ‘Kharkiv with You.’ 

Its goal is to introduce training and skills to the kids from 3 different age groups on how to walk and play safely outside, as many newly freed territories are still suffering from mines scattered all over the fields, parks and other places. 

Part of the programme also includes introducing educational activities (often whilst the adults are queuing to get humanitarian help), as due to the war, many kids have missed a great part of their education. 

Many thanks to our co - sponsors Nova Ukraine, Maltesers UK and its foundation, and BRIG for supporting this project.  

Your donation simply helped us save lives.  

If you would like to donate further, you can do it via this page. 


Your help is invaluable! 

With gratitude and love, 

GéNIA  💙💛 

Updated on Thu, April 20 2023, 7:56 AM

Dear All,

This is the continuation of the previous post - please read the beginning below this post.

"We really wanted to give the children a feeling of childhood again for some time, so that they can remember something bright and good," says the camp leader, co-founder of the charity "Kharkiv with You" Tamara Zavodnik. “Thank you very much to the volunteers - these are Kharkiv plastuns and students of KNPU by the name of Skovoroda (Kharkiv Natsionalhiy Pedagogichnui Universitet) and KNU by the name of Karazin (Kharkiv Nauchnuy Universitet). Working with so many long-term stressed children, each with character traits that have intensified over the past year was, with no exaggeration, a feat.” 

 “And, of course, this winter fairy tale would not have happened without the good magicians who gave it to the children of Kharkiv region by financing the camp. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Nova Ukraine , House of Ukraine and Genia Chudinovich!” Elena Rofe-Beketova , the director of the charity "Kharkiv with You” and Tamara Zavodnik, the camp leader and co-founder of the charity "Kharkiv with You”.

"Our winter children's camp in Transcarpathia is over, and the emotions given by it do not subside! A hundred times and more, thank you to our defenders and thank you to all the people of the world who help us preserve the future of our country - our children! Helping to give them self-confidence, cast-iron concrete strength, even on their serious faces”   

Charity ‘Kharkiv with You’ 

I am thanking all of you, my public, friends, colleagues, students and supporters of this cause for enabling this magic happen. Together, we can help Ukraine and all the innocent people, who are suffering so much right now. 

 With love and gratitude, 


Updated on Thu, January 19 2023, 10:13 AM

Dear All,

Together we did it!  We helped to give little children aged 7 – 12, who are currently in Kharkiv and its region (many of them come from the newly freed territories, where they have been suffering the horrific occupation by the Russian aggressor), a little piece of the childhood which has been so unfairly stolen from them. 

Below you can read about the children’s camp which we sponsored with your help, together with the charities NOVA Ukraine and House of Ukraine, that was organised by the Ukrainian charity ‘Kharkiv with You’ with help from the Ukrainian Government, Ukrainian Railways (Ukrzaliznytsia) and Kharkiv branch of the Ukrainian organisation PLAST (the National Scout Organisation of Ukraine)!  

“To restore the feeling of peaceful life, children's joy, Christmas wonder - that was the idea of the winter camp organised by "Kharkiv with You" together with the Kharkiv branch of PLAST in in Transcarpathia. 

And here are more than 150 children from the frontier of Kharkiv region, including de-occupied territories and those under evacuation, left for Transcarpathia on January 3rd. Here, for 10 days, they experienced an interesting and intense program, that included psychological support.  

The theme of the camp was build by the plastovo method, "St. Workshop St. Nicholas". The children were invited to become his assistants. By age, they were organised into different groups (pídtabori) with fantastic names: čaríniki, elves, domovički and gnomes (personage from fairy tales). The camp’s programme included creative workshops, excursions, sports games, pool, quests, etc. In interactive classes, children studied the traditions of the calendar holidays of Ukraine. 

Psychological sessions were conducted by experienced professionals and occupied a special place in the program. Here children were helped to relieve their fears and stress after everything they have experienced. As noted by the camp teachers, thanks to these sessions, children became more open, started smiling, and began to fall asleep peacefully.

Continued in the next post

Updated on Thu, January 19 2023, 10:06 AM

Dear Supporters,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you all to our bi-annual Piano-Yoga® Students Concert in support of the children of Kharkiv and its regions, helping them with rehabilitation and other treatment. Click HERE

Currently, we are collecting funds to facilitate a rehabilitation camp for 7 - 12 year olds kids suffering from psychological stress, as many of them come from the newly freed territories.

The programme includes works by Bach, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Schubert, Liszt, Gershwin, and my own compositions. I will open the evening with a talk about the foundation and the work I have been doing, and the event will finish with online after-party. You are very welcome to join us, not only for the concert, but also for the after-party, where you will be able to meet our students.

Not only has Kharkiv has been under attack on for a long time, but a large part of the Kharkiv region has been occupied for some time. Now, many territories have been freed, and their citizens, especially children, need our help.

By buying a ticket, you will be contributing to a great cause!

You can purchase your ticket here:  BUY PIANO-YOGA® CONCERT TICKET

I very much look forward to seeing many of you at our online concert!

And, if you can spread the word about the concert, I shall be very grateful!

If each of us can contribute to helping just one child to restore his/her sense of 'normality', would it not be make our own lives more meaningful?

And if you yourself would like to organise an event to support our cause, or contribute in any way, please do get in touch with me!

With much love,


Updated on Sun, November 27 2022, 9:42 PM

Dear Supporters,

Currently, we are collecting funds to facilitate a rehabilitation camp for 7 - 12 year olds kids suffering from psychological stress, as many of them come from the newly freed territories.

Not only has Kharkiv has been under attack on an almost daily basis ever since the war started, but a large part of the Kharkiv region has been occupied for some time. Now, many territories have been freed, and their citizens, especially children, need our help. 

This project is created in partnership with the charity 'Kharkiv with You' as well as Ukrainian Railways. 

It is called  "For the light, what overcame the darkness” and planned as ten days of rest for children with adventures, fun and activities based on the stratum method. The Plast National Scout Organization of Ukraine’s educators, also teachers of the Ukrainian Catholic University and Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, as well as child psychologists will be working with children.  

The camp is located in the western part of Ukraine, in a picturesque place in Transcarpathia, where inspiring landscapes also have a psychotherapeutic effect. We kindly ask you to help us give as many children as possible the opportunity to rest and receive adequate treatment. 

If each of us can contribute to helping just one child to restore his/her sense of 'normality', would it not be make our own lives more meaningful?

And if you would like to organise your own event to support our cause, or contribute in any other way, please do get in touch with me!

Your help is invaluable! Thank you! 

GéNIA and the 'Support Kharkiv Foundation' Team

Updated on Thu, November 17 2022, 11:05 AM

Dear All,

I am delighted to announce that our Fundraising Concert for Kharkiv Children at The Other Palace in London, where Ukrainian & British musicians joined the legendary British actors Bill Nighy and Chiwetel Ejiofor raised over £7,000.00! 

On the 30th September, a most incredible concert took place at the 100-seat Studio at The Other Palace. Ukrainian & British musicians were joined by the legendary British actors Bill Nighy and Chiwetel Ejiofor, to raise funds for the children of Kharkiv and its regions.  

The audience experienced a wide range of emotions, from the deep poetry of Pablo Neruda, recited by the BAFTA Award winning actor, director and writer Chiwetel Ejiofor, who is also the Official Patron of the ‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’, to the humorous poem ‘My Valentine’ by John Fuller, recited by the multi-award-winning actor of both stage & screen, Bill Nighy, whose expansive career now spans fifty years. Both actors delivered powerful readings. 

In between, the audience were able to hear music by jazz harpist Alina Bzhezhinska , the extraordinarily beautiful performance of singer/songwriter BLÁNID, plus an emotional speech and performance by Eugenia (the Ukrainian singer, powerful film music by Bradley Russeau and piano performances by myself. The dress for the concert was created by the award- winning eco-sustainable designer José Hendo. 

Not only were the proceeds of this sold-out event sent to ‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’, but the awareness of the issue moved people who could not come to the concert to donate generously to the charity.  

There are not enough words to describe my gratitude to all the artists as well as many people who made this concert possible (see the full list here); also our beautiful audience and many kind and generous people who have donated directly to the 'Support Kharkiv Foundation'.  

If you would like to continue supporting the foundation in helping the children and citizens of Kharkiv and its regions, you are very welcome to donate via our website here.

Thank you very much.  

With love, GéNIA 

Updated on Tue, October 11 2022, 9:50 AM

Dear All,

Here is my update on my work on this project for the summer period of 2022:

Since June 2022 I started working on 'Save the children. The Path of Hope' project in collaboration with the Ukrainian charity 'Kharkiv with You'.  With the help of my amazing audience, students, colleagues (many great musicians), friends, and just simply wonderful people who support my cause, in the past three months I have managed to raise just under £9,000.00 from two different platforms as well as my concert performances. 

Here are the specific updates:

In June 2022, the funds from GoFundMe platform (£2,872.15) and from my concert appearance in May (£424), were sent to ‘Kharkiv with You’ charity. These monies helped to pay for the transportation of children and accompanying people from the Bulgarian Mistral camp on the 1st of July 2022, where they stayed during June 2022 for psychological and physical rehabilitation. These funds paid for the bus to transport 57 people.

In August 2022, the funds from GoFundMe platform (£400) and from my ‘Support Kharkiv Foundation’ (£5,000.00) were sent to ‘Kharkiv with You’ charity.

My Piano-Yoga® students made a great input, for which I am so grateful to them, as our online student fundraising concert on the 26th of July 2022, raised just over £1,000: £795.00 raised from ticket sales, and an additional £200 of donations, plus Gift Aid on those donations, brought the whole beautiful event to over £1,000!

These funds were used to pay for the transpiration back to Lviv, Ukraine of 108 needy children, and the people accompanying them (overall, 108 people, most of whom were from Izyum, Kharkiv region) who were taken from the Bulgarian Mistral camp on the 2 September 2022, where they had been staying there during August 2022 for psychological and physical rehabilitation. 

Isym area of Kharkiv region was under occupation for a long time, and these children needed all the help they could get.

Here are the words of Olena Rofe-Beketova, the Director of charity 'Kharkiv with You’. ‘With sincere respect and immense gratitude for believing in us, in our strength, in our desire to preserve our future, let me thank you for your humanity, for your understanding and support, which are so keenly felt and so important in this difficult time’. 

If you would like to help us further, you are welcome to donate directly to my 'Support Kharkiv Foundation' 

Thank you for your support! 

Together, we can help Ukraine, and, most importantly, its children, who will now grow up more mature and, hopefully, stronger, due to the support they have received.

With love,


Updated on Fri, September 23 2022, 12:56 PM

Fundraising Concert For Kharkiv Children! British and Ukrainian musicians joined by the legendary British actors Bill Nighy and Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Dear Supporters,

I am excited to share an amazing concert with you, in just over 2 weeks in London. I am so grateful to the great British actors Bill Nighy and Chiwetel Ejiofor for offering to appear in it. I am also grateful to the amazing musicians: Alina Bzhezhynska (jazz harpist, composer, and a founder of contemporary music platform HipHarpCollective), Bradley Russeau (composer and performing artist), and singers BLÁNID and Eugenia for showing their support for the children of Kharkiv, and its surrounding regions.

Kharkiv, the city where I was born, is Ukraine’s second largest city, positioned only 25 miles from the Russian border. It has been targeted almost daily with missile attacks, disturbing its citizens and ruining the infrastructure. Many civilians have been injured (and some, sadly, killed). There has hardly been a single day since the start of the war in February without the city being bombarded.

I invite you to join us that evening, and enjoy some poetry and music, and show your support for the children of Kharkiv and its regions, who are getting attacked on a daily basis.

Here are the details of the event:

Fundraising Concert for Kharkiv Children

Friday, 30th September at 8:00pm 

The address: The Other Palace, 12 Palace Street, London, SW1E 5JA

Tickets from £25.00

You can book your tickets online here

Box Office +44 (0) 20 7592 0302

This is a small boutique venue, so I recommend that you book early to avoid disappointment. 

If you do come to the show, please come and say hello!  

I am looking forward to seeing many of you!

with love,


Updated on Sat, September 17 2022, 8:17 AM

Dear Supporters,

I am so grateful to my Piano-Yoga® Students! At the online fundraising concert on the 26th of July 2022, we raised just over £1,000 - £795.00 raised from ticket sales, and an additional £200 of donations, plus Gift Aid on those donations, brought the whole beautiful online event to over £1,000.   

These monies, together with other private donations to my charity 'Support Kharkiv Foundation', as well as the funds collected through the ‘GoFundMe’ campaign, were sent to the 'Kharkiv with You’ Charity (the total amount was £5,400) .

These funds were used to pay for the transpiration back to Lviv, Ukraine of 108 needy children, and the people accompanying them (overall, 108 people, most of whom were from Izyum, Kharkiv region) who were taken from the Bulgarian Mistral camp on 02.09.2022, where they had been staying there during August 2022 for psychological and physical rehabilitation. Isym area of Kharkiv region was under occupation for a long time, and these children needed all the help they could get. 

I am very grateful to all of our supporters. 

Together, we can help Ukraine, and, most importantly, its children, who will now grow up more mature and, hopefully, stronger, due to the support they have received. 

Thank you, 


Updated on Tue, September 13 2022, 8:13 AM

Dear Supporters,

This is a concert announcement about GéNIA's students at Piano-Yoga® who kindly offered to hold their usual be-annual concert in support of Ukrainian children. The concert will take the place online on Saturday, 23d of July, at 7pm BST. You can purchase a ticket from this website

The majority of performers are amateurs adults and we are very grateful to them for their support.We are also grateful to you all for your support and, therefore, warmly, invite you to our event.

With best wishes,

Génia & Piano-Yoga® Team

Updated on Tue, July 19 2022, 12:04 PM

Today (14th July 2022 at 8pm BST) I will be releasing on YouTube my new music video based on the musical arrangement of 'Bella Ciao', created by the Italian composer Paolo Cognetti, who wanted to express his solidarity with Ukrainian people. This beautifully arranged composition is dedicated to yours truly with the title 'Peace in Ukraine'.

All the proceeds from this record will go to help Ukrainian kids. 

Please share it with your friends & family, as even streaming on YouTube and/or Spotify/Apple Music will generate an income which will help the cause. 

Thank you!


Updated on Thu, July 14 2022, 8:12 PM

Dear All, 

Today I released this beautiful arrangement of 'Bella Ciao', the famous Italian anti-Nazi song, created by the Italian composer Paolo Cognetti. All the proceeds from this record will be sent to Kharkiv to support Kharkiv kids (via БФ "Харків з тобою").

Please download and spread the word if you can, as if more people download the track, the more we can help. There are just under 8 Billion people on this planet, so even with the tiny involvement from each of us, we can help many!

Thank you to Paolo Cognetti for his creation and Cicely Balston from AIR Studios for mastering the track. It was recorded and produced by yours truly.


With love,


Updated on Fri, July 8 2022, 12:08 PM

Please see my previous post about this new composition 'Bella Ciao' where all the proceeds will be sent to Ukraine.

'Balla Ciao'  is due for release on the 8th of July 2022, but you can already pre-order the track here

Thank you for your support! Please do spread the word, as with the little involvement from each of us, we can save lives.

Thank you! 


Updated on Sat, July 2 2022, 12:23 PM

To continue to fund-raising work I am releasing a new track- 'Bella Ciao', which is the arrangement of the famous Italian folk song, which became the anthem of the resistance movement by the partisans, who opposed Nazi-fascism during their fight against the occupying forces of the Nazis. Devastated by the current war in Ukraine, the Italian composer Paolo Cognetti wanted to express his solidarity with Ukrainian people.

This beautifully arranged composition is dedicated to yours truly with the title 'Peace in Ukraine'. All the proceeds from this record will go to Ukraine (To be exact, initially the funds will be sent to help sick kids from Kharkiv to be transported to the Western hospitals where they already have been accepted for treatments)

Please see the next post!

Updated on Sat, July 2 2022, 12:16 PM

We are delighted to announce that this month GéNIA raised £4,100 from different platforms, concerts & private donations with your help! Thank you! 

Updated on Tue, June 21 2022, 2:14 PM

We are delighted to announce  that this month GéNIA raised £4,100 from different platforms, concerts & private donations with your help! Thank you! 

Updated on Tue, June 21 2022, 2:13 PM


KHARKIV FOUNDATION from Support Kharkiv Foundation

'Support Kharkiv Foundation’ has been created by the London - based concert pianist and composer GéNIA, who was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, to support the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and its citizens, as the city has undergone destruction on a huge scale during the war in Ukraine. It is a micro-trust in aid of ‘GivingWorks’, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity registration no.1078770). 

Whilst many big international charities provide support across the Ukraine, I feel that there is a need for localised help, on a simple, practical level. Since the beginning of the war in the Ukraine (24 February 2022), Kharkiv has come under heavy bombing (as it is positioned to the East of the country where the Russian army is now gathering their forces).

Apart from regular rocket attacks, a number of mines have been scattered on the streets in residential areas, which has made it dangerous to walk outside. Many civilians have been injured (and some, sadly, killed). There has not been a single day without the city being bombarded since the first day of war.

Therefore I have teamed up with a local charity ‘Kharkiv with You’ БФ "Харків з тобою" to help its citizens directly.

Kharkiv is a city which gave birth to, and educated many of the world’s most renowned musicians, artists, scientists, doctors, and other professionals. It was one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine. Kharkiv has contributed vastly to the world, and now it is time for us to give back to it. 


£21,290.84 raised of £45,000.00 target by 75 supporters

£20,278.34 donated plus £1,012.50 in GiftAid . £13,963.34 raised offline

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From 1st June 2023. Until 1st January 2025.


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