
Al3xAndrovA, born Rositsa Aleksandrova, is an LA based producer, composer, concert pianist, fashion model and techno DJ. She will be holding a holiday performance via Zoom on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 3 pm pacific benefiting children of Kharkiv and its regions, helping them with rehabilitation and other treatment.

I am grateful for the opportunity to bring my Christmas performance to you to help kids in need while bring you and your family joy in this beautiful Holiday.

While you are sitting at your Christmas Eve Day with your family and having love all around you, joy and beautiful home cooked meal, let me entertain you and express gratitude for all we have and help those less fortunate than us.

The Christmas concert will be via zoom and the funds collected from the tickets sales will go towards helping traumatized from the war children that need rehabilitation, teachers and psychologists.

Also, all my Christmas music albums’ sales will go towards the charity that will provide those services for the kids.

How you can help?

You can donate directly to the charity.

You can buy tickets for my Christmas performance on the 24th (Christmas Eve).

You can buy any of my Christmas albums and I will forward the funds to the charity.

You can do all of the above! And, btw, the Christmas albums make a great gift for YOUR loved ones while it also is a good amazing cause.

As of right now, currently raising funds to be sent to Kharkiv to provide children 7 - 12 years old (from Kharkiv and de-occupied territories of the Kharkiv region) with a 10 day rehabilitation camp, where they will rest, whilst working with psychologists and teachers from Ukrainian State Institutes. The campaign is supported by the Ukrainian Government and Ukrainian Railways.

To send each child there, costs £330. Currently we have funds to send 95 children. There are 150 children registered on the programme, which means that 55 still require funding.

Can you make a contribution towards sending the other 55 children there as well either through purchasing a ticket or making a Government Aid supported donation?

The proceeds from the concert will be sent to 'Support Kharkiv Foundation', a micro-trust in aid of ‘GivingWorks’, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity registration no.1078770). It has been created by me to support the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, its surrounding regions and citizens, as the city has undergone destruction on a massive scale.

Not only has Kharkiv has been under attack on an almost daily basis ever since the war started, but a large part of the Kharkiv region has been occupied for some time. Now, many territories have been freed, and their citizens, especially children, need our help.


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KHARKIV FOUNDATION from Support Kharkiv Foundation

'Support Kharkiv Foundation’ has been created by the London - based concert pianist and composer GéNIA, who was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, to support the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and its citizens, as the city has undergone destruction on a huge scale during the war in Ukraine. It is a micro-trust in aid of ‘GivingWorks’, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity registration no.1078770). 

Whilst many big international charities provide support across the Ukraine, I feel that there is a need for localised help, on a simple, practical level. Since the beginning of the war in the Ukraine (24 February 2022), Kharkiv has come under heavy bombing (as it is positioned to the East of the country where the Russian army is now gathering their forces).

Apart from regular rocket attacks, a number of mines have been scattered on the streets in residential areas, which has made it dangerous to walk outside. Many civilians have been injured (and some, sadly, killed). There has not been a single day without the city being bombarded since the first day of war.

Therefore I have teamed up with a local charity ‘Kharkiv with You’ БФ "Харків з тобою" to help its citizens directly.

Kharkiv is a city which gave birth to, and educated many of the world’s most renowned musicians, artists, scientists, doctors, and other professionals. It was one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine. Kharkiv has contributed vastly to the world, and now it is time for us to give back to it. 


£450.00 raised of £18,150.00 target by 2 supporters

£450.00 donated


From 14th December 2022. Until 24th December 2022.


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